My research group uses tools from biology and computer science to improve human health and preserve the environment.

My research group is part of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH. We use big data and “multi-omic” approaches to understand and engineer the microbiomes of built and natural environments to preserve both human and environmental health. Specifically, we look at drinking water phages and fungi in homes. However, I am interested in collaborations in other systems, as well.

I did postdoc research at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Before that, I earned my PhD in environmental engineering at Yale University in 2019 and my B.S. in biological engineering from Cornell University in 2013. Beyond the lab, I am a black belt in taekwondo, as well as an avid photographer and a voracious reader.

If you would be interested in joining my lab as a student or postdoc or in collaborations, reach out (beh53 at case dot edu).